Once you are enrolled as a Penn State graduate student in an affiliated department, it only takes a few steps to become a dual-title Demography student!
- Talk to your current advisor and PIC/DGS about your interest in the dual-title demography program.
- Talk to a Demography faculty member in your degree program about your academic and career interests. Review the list of Demography faculty by program.
- Find a Demography faculty member willing to be your dual-title faculty advisor. While this person is usually in your program, they do not have to be.
- Apply using the Dual-title Demography Application Form
- To receive a demography degree, you must apply before completing your qualifying exams.
- To earn a minor in demography, you can apply any time.
As soon as possible, enroll in DEMOG 590, the professionalization seminar, during the fall semester to learn more about the dual-title program and demographic opportunities at Penn State. You can enroll in DEMOG 590 before your application is submitted and approved.
For more information, contact Molly Martin mam68@psu.edu