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Prem Bhandari (2006)


Current Position: Agritourism and Value-added Agricultural Marketing Specialist in Extension at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore

Brief Bio: I am a Rural Sociologist and Demographer with a background in natural resources and demography, with a focus on the socioeconomic and cultural determinants of migration, fertility, and population health in developing countries. Specifically, my research focuses on the use of labor-saving farm technology and its impact on demographic behaviors such as human fertility and migration in rapidly changing rural agrarian societies. Other research areas of interest include population and environment relationships, sociology of agriculture, rural social change, and social research methods. Recently, I spent 16 years with the University of Michigan, most recently as the managing director of the Global Research Institute.

Penn State's Demography Program: I was fortunate to be a student of the dual title degree program in Demography at Penn State that has equipped me with knowledge and skills to handle research programs with high degree of confidence.


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