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NEW: Demography Graduate Student Association

Exciting news! Current students are leading the effort to create the Demography Graduate Student Association (DGSA) at Penn State.  DGSA aims to provide a space for all Demography graduate students to connect, share information and resources, access mentorship, and receive funding to cover expenses not covered by PRI, the dual-title Demography program, or students' home departments. This organization will be proudly affiliated with the Penn State dual-title Demography program and Dr. Molly Martin will serve as the faculty advisor.

Penn State Demography graduate students are welcome to become a member and support the community through participation in any way you see fit.  As a founding member of the DGSA, you will be invited to 1) provide feedback on the constitution to ensure that it reflects the values and aspirations of our student community and 2) participate in elections for leadership positions. Once the constitution and elections are finalized in September 2024, the DGSA can be registered as an official Penn State organization. A listerserv will be created for members to communicate internally.

If you are interested in becoming a founding member of DGSA, please add your name and email to this document: Demography Graduate Student Org Members.xlsx.  If you have any questions about DGSA, please contact Ayse Akyildiz at

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